Monday, May 6, 2013

ICA30111 Certificate III in Information, Digital Media & Technology class of Semester 1, 2013 - IEA College of TAFE, Coronation College Campus

The ICA30111 Certificate III in Information, Digital Media & Technology class of 2013, Semester 1 from the IEA College of TAFE, Coronation College Campus, Lae in Papua New Guinea.

Front Row: (Sitted): From Left to Right:

Philip Tukana, Freeman Keno, Allan Yonni, Narolyn Mathew, Jeremy Bumae.

Middle Row: (Standing): From Left to Right:

Course Coordinator & Trainer: Mr. Daniel Brown Geob, Angela Abe, Irene Sieng, Bradley Ken, Shirley Bundu, Kevin Hombokise.

Back Row: ((Standing): From Left to Right:

Shadrach Sebas, Lane Tegory, Odiu Sabila

Monday, July 4, 2011

5TH ICOT Conference - Ela Beach, POM

The IEA College of TAFE (ICOT) conference is an annual event - which is hosted at the Ela Beach TAFE campus. I was very happy to be a part of a team of trainers that take part in the Mderation and Validation process.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2010 Coronation College Cultural Show

Snapshots at the Coronation College Cultural Show in Lae, Morobe province, Papua New Guinea. Scheduled on the 14th of Semptember. Next Show will be hosted on the 14th of September, 2011.

Come and see a the traditional dances, costumes and even some artifacts of Papua New Guinea exposed by the Secondary and TAFE students. This an event that coincides with the September 16th - PNG's Independence Day.

Daniel Geob
Nov, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Marketing TAFE courses at Morobe Show - 2010

Was happy to be a part of the Coronation College staff and students who volunteered to supervise and market TAFE courses for 2011.